Newspaper production skills;
Young News : An after school activities for kids where during holiday or after school they involved in two week activities to learn the process of newspaper production.
Young news is published by and for young people under aged 13. Since its first publication in 1996, the newspaper has increased it’s circulation from 1,000 to 10,000, distributed free in schools, community centres and libraries in the Tower hamlets. The young news has always involved young people (age range 8 -13) in all aspects of the production, including writings, layout design and editorial jobs. Each edition of the newspaper is preceded by a workshop usually held in schools and libraries, where the content of the paper are conceived and devised. The aim of the newspaper is to provide hands on practical training to the young people on the techniques and appreciation of journalism and newspaper production. In addition, we also encourage young people to improve their reading and writing skills creating an opportunity for them to develop within a creative field.
Since August 2000, Young News has also launched two other newspapers production training;
(a) Exposure: the paper with similar aims and activities to that of Young News but targeting an age group between 14 -25 and operating through local collages and youth organisations instead of schools.
(b) Prokash, – a Bengali news paper, is primarily open for any Bengali, interested in journalism, however, a particular stress is given encouraging 2nd generation young people in journalism, and would support them to improve their mother language.

Computer skills for unemployed adults and women
We started this project in 2015. This activities are for local unemployed and elderly people with little or no education to learn IT skills/ graphic designing to enhance their employability. One of our main targeted group are local Bangladeshi women who does not speak in English and have very little or no education.
Basic IT skills including computer operating, using Microsoft word, internet, social media to gather online information, sending/receiving emails, doing online forms and general enquiries which will help them to be self confident and non dependant to others.

Family health issues
As health is one of the major issues for this community, we will engage participants in a “Healthy life style” research using computer and gathering information through online search. They will also learn and adopt healthy lifestyles, healthy cooking through peer group discussions and research which will lead to the production of a bilingual ‘Healthy Cooking Recipe Book’. It will be distributed free to participants and residence of Tower Hamlets for free.

Recreation programme for the whole family
Putting children in main focus, we organise recreation programme for whole family including;
- Cinema show
- Cultural programme
- Performance by children
- Day outing
- Sports activities